Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Many Ways For Getting Rid Of Ants

There are a lot of methods for getting rid of ants.

1) Immediate Kill
Pour boiling water over the top of all ant colonies that you can find.

2) Barriers
Baby powder, talcum powder, chalk, and crushed charcoal all form barriers that ants will not cross. Surround your home with a solid barrier of one of these items. Make sure that there are no gaps in the barrier or the ants will find a way into your home.

3) Liquid Ant Repellents
Some find that ants can be repelled by mixing water with dish soap, vinegar, peppermint, crushed garlic, or red pepper. Spray the mixture near established ant trails seems to disrupt the ants and have them move away.

4) Solid Ant Repellents
Cinnamon, black pepper, bay leaves, crushed garlic, and cloves repel ants. Place any of these near established ant trails or anywhere that ants gather.

5) Diatomaceous Earth
This is another type of barrier that is sharp enough to cut up ants as they attempt to crawl over it.

All of these ant remedies work temporarily. Sun, wind, and rain all diminish their effectiveness over time. Frequent reapplication may be necessary depending on where you live. Longer term results can be achieved with this natural ant killer. You may need to experiment with various methods before finding the one that works for you.